M+ Dakwerken_Dakwerken & dakrenovaties_zolderisolatie


Looking for a beautifully finished and insulated attic without having to refresh your roof? Or you would like additional insulation? We install insulation in accordance with current regulation and with great attention for the smallest detail. Moreover, we pride ourselves on leaving nothing less but a thoroughly cleaned workplace behind. So you can immediately enjoy your insulated attic. 

Hardly ever use your attic? We can insulate the attic floor. This gives you all the benefits of an insulated roof in the most budget-friendly solution.

M+ Dakwerken_Dakwerken & dakrenovaties_dakisolatie


Did you know that 25% of the heat in a house is lost through the roof? A well-insulated roof is a necessity that makes you save a lot of energy, money and gain when it comes to life comfort. There’s nothing like a comfortable temperature in the house.


Even in the summer, roof insulation is extremely useful, because in the summer the insulation will keep the heat outside & the freshness inside. So you can enjoy a fresh home, without (that much) AC by day and by night.

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Insulating a flat roof is completely different than the isolation of a sloping roof or the isolation of an attic. We isolate three types of flat roofs:

Cold flat roofs, where the insulation is placed between the internal space and the roof structure.

Warm flat roofs, the insulation is placed just below the cover layer.

Inverted flat roof, the insulation is placed on top of the cover layer. This technique is used for roofs with a lot of traffic on like roof gardens, car parks, etc.